How to make delicious soy sauce

Food —Selasa, 3 Aug 2021 13:23
How to make delicious soy sauce
Photo source : Pinterest

Grilled chicken, here are the steps to make it



Chicken processed foods cannot be counted on the fingers. Not a few people like food made from chicken. Until the emergence of various foods derived from processed chicken meat.

One of them is soy sauce grilled chicken. This food can be served for daily meals. Although this food can be found in various restaurants. You can try to make it at home.

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This food is widely known to many people but not everyone knows the recipe for making soy sauce grilled chicken. For those of you who want to make it at home, you can follow the guide on how to make it along with the following ingredients:


- 700 grams of chicken, cut according to taste

- 5-6 tbsp sweet soy sauce

- 1 tbsp butter

- 1 tablespoon brown sugar

- 1 tablespoon Java tamarind water

- water/coconut water to taste

- salt, pepper, and mushroom broth to taste

- 2 bay leaves

- 1 stalk lemongrass geprek

- 1 segment of geprek galangal

- 4 pieces of torn lime leaves

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Ground spices:

- 3 pieces of roasted hazelnut

- 1 tsp roasted coriander

- a little ginger and turmeric

- 8 red onions

- 5 cloves of garlic

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How to make:

- Wash the chicken, give the lime juice, set aside

- Fry the ground spices and additional spices with oil and a little butter until fragrant and completely cooked, releasing the oil

- Add brown sugar, soy sauce, and sour water, stir briefly

- Enter the chicken cook until stiff and change color

- Add water until the chicken is slightly submerged, add salt, pepper, and mushroom stock to taste

- Cook over medium heat, which tends to be low while covered until the spices are absorbed and the water is reduced

- Remove the chicken, then grill it over charcoal while smearing the rest of the spices mixed with a little butter

- Serve with vegetables and chili sauce according to taste.

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Editor: Ardi

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