China Cave Beach in Malang, a Coastal Tourist Destination with White Sand and Clear Water

Travelling —Rabu, 15 Dec 2021 12:00
China Cave Beach in Malang, a Coastal Tourist Destination with White Sand and Clear Water
China Cave Beach in Malang, a Coastal Tourist Destination with White Sand and Clear Water / pinterest

POSTMALANG- Another natural tourism destination in Malang, East Java, entitled the coast, Goa China beach provides extraordinary beauty.

How tidal coast Goa china is also a tourist prima donna in the city of Malang which is visited by many tourists.

The attraction of this tour is the color of the water is clear and clean, and the sand is white.

In addition, the existence of three islands namely Bantengan, Guna China and Pulay nyonya in the middle of the beach of Chona Cave also adds to its own charm.

The history of the name Goa Cina itself comes from Goa which is located on a coral hill west of the beach entrance.

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It is said that in ancient times this cave was used by a young Chinese named Hing Hook to meditate until the end of his life.

The route to Goa Cina Beach is actually the same as the route to Sempu Island, except that visitors must turn left at the Sendang Biru T-junction.

The entrance ticket to Goa Cina Beach is IDR 5,000 for each person.

If you want to visit this beach, you come to the southern part of Malang, precisely located in Sitiarjo Village, Sumbermanjing Wetan District, South Malang Regency-RS

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Editor: Ajeng

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